Take a Weekend Workshop—Experience What Training to be a Feldenkrais Practitioner is Like!

We’re offering pre-training workshops across the country (and beyond!) through September 2018. These weekend workshops are a great way to experience what training to be a Feldenkrais Practitioner is like. Workshops are coming to Seattle, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Berkeley, Portland, OR, and Madison, WI, with more to be announced! Click here for more info and to register.

Emotional Well Being through the Feldenkrais Method®

In 2018, Jeff Haller gave a free talk online, sharing his perspective on Moshe Feldenkrais’ teaching during the last practitioner training he led in Amherst, MA, 1980-1981. In Jeff’s words: Moshe is saying, there’s a difference between learning to care for your conditioning and learning to care for yourself. That’s a paradox, because the students in the training program have … Read More