Becoming a Feldenkrais Practitioner is one of the most rewarding things you will ever do.

If you decide to become a Feldenkrais practitioner, many of your reasons will be unique to you—others will be shared with your colleagues.

Here are some common responses to the question, “Why did you become a Feldenkrais practitioner?”

  • I love watching my clients grow, improve, and live their lives anew.
  • I’m drawn to caring for others… the Feldenkrais Method® gives me a capacity to help people discover their innate ability to improve and heal. This work also allows me to have the kind of connection with my clients that I don’t experience anywhere else.
  • I’m a life-long learner, intrigued by embodied learning, neuroplasticity, and the human capacity for refinement. The Feldenkrais Method holds layer upon layer of fascination for me.
  • I’m always looking for a challenge and my Feldenkrais practice pushes me to learn and be creative every day. No matter how difficult the situation, I know how to find a way to use what’s happening now as the basis for what can happen next.
  • I wanted a flexible profession that provides the opportunity to be self-employed.
  • I love the way the Feldenkrais Method helped me transform some of my biggest challenges into my proudest memories.
  • I wanted to learn a skillset that would allow me to help a broad range of clients. Feldenkrais helps people in ways that no other work can.

Photo: Marcia Scott

Some people become Feldenkrais practitioners with the goal of having their own independent private practices. Many others want to use the Feldenkrais Method in conjunction with other professions—because its principles are foundational to any profession that deals with human development, functional movement, and attentional resources. Practitioners have applied the principles of the Feldenkrais Method to a wide range of professions including physical and occupational therapy, rehabilitation medicine, psychology, education, physical education, massage therapy, art, ergonomics, gerontology, theater, martial arts, dance, music, and professions that support people's spiritual practice.

Every Feldenkrais practitioner takes their own unique path to becoming a practitioner. Here are a few stories of how enthusiasts became practitioners:

What Feldenkrais practitioners have to say...

Jeff Haller, PhD, GCFP, Trainer

“In 1972, as a university athlete, I attended a class where my professor taught 15 minutes of Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement®—there was more implicit intelligence about learning and improving function in those 15 minutes than in anything I had been exposed to as an athlete. After completing my PhD in Transpersonal Psychology, I had multiple choices of professions. I could work as a psychologist. I could teach Aikido, Tai Chi or yoga. I could have gone on to chiropractic or physical therapy school.

But when I looked closely, I chose the Feldenkrais Method because it had the educational tools that were foundational for all the above practices. As a practitioner, every day I experience something new that enhances my life. Every day I am enriched by helping my clients to discover their own implicit ability to learn; helping them refine their own function, and enhancing the quality of their lives in ways that are simple yet profound.”

Candy Conino, GCFP, Assistant Trainer

"At first, physical therapy seemed like such a rich and varied profession. After 10 great years, though, I was somehow disenchanted. On the surface, it was all so reassuring and logical: something was always too weak, or too tight, or inflamed and the patient definitely needed to discipline themselves to use better body mechanics. But my patients could rarely muster the dedication required to maintain the recommended strength, flexibility and postural perfection, and I was dispirited by endlessly advising people about what they were doing wrong.

I read a book by Moshe Feldenkrais, and just from that one exposure I understood that this must be a method of working with the unconscious aspects of function and movement. I knew absolutely that this was my missing link! I wanted to learn how to help people feel themselves transform and let go of the relentless push make them better.

I dropped all my other educational efforts and took the first Feldenkrais training that came along. And you know what? I was right. Feldenkrais changed everything for me. My work is fun, effective, never disappointing and best of all my clients find out how marvelous and powerful they actually are. Twenty-five years later, I am still delighted and excited every single day."

Tessa Chandler,

“After a career as a professional ballet dancer, I wanted a profession that would continue to develop my movement skill, improve my body awareness, and support my personal growth. I tried many movement-centered approaches to self-growth, but nothing was as profound as my first Awareness Through Movement lesson. It was slow-paced, exploratory, and asked me to have greater awareness and kindness with myself. When I stood up at the end, I sensed myself in an entirely new way. Somehow, I knew, the process of the lesson had made space for all aspects of myself to come online.

As a Feldenkrais practitioner, I study my clients with an eye for the details of their unique organization as well as a wide-open lens that keeps integration and maturation intact as our ultimate goals. I love being a practitioner because it requires me to be in constant creative development and professional study—beyond the method, legacy, and personality of Feldenkrais himself—so that I can adapt the work to my own personal needs, and to those I have the privilege to assist. “

Seth Dellinger, GCFP

“I discovered the Feldenkrais Method at a point in my life where I really didn't know what direction to take. I quickly understood that this practice was not only improving my movement, but also improving my life. What amazed me even more was recognizing parallels between the exploratory processes of Feldenkrais work and the strategies I use as a musician, composer and improvisor. I was delighted that improvements for myself and for my clients were not found by trying to match an arbitrary standard, but rather by encouraging each individual to recognize, embrace, and grow more fully into their own true nature. My training was a huge first step in this process for me and my own transformation continues as I pursue my career as a Feldenkrais practitioner. I have always loved being creative and this practice allows me to use my creativity every day, serving my clients by helping them also tap deeper into their natural creative potential—that's why I love my job!

Carey Haskell, GCFP

"In my 30s, Feldenkrais helped me recover from two shoulder surgeries. When I was 50, I was looking for a new, inspiring career in education. It needed to be novel and endlessly interesting so I wouldn’t ever be bored. I also wanted to give people a feeling that something new was happening in their lives. As it so happened, around that time, I injured myself once again. After a couple of Feldenkrais sessions, I realized I wasn’t only getting better, but with these slow and gentle movements, I was noticing things I had never noticed before. It became clear that Feldenkrais was educational, endlessly interesting, and had the potential to change a person’s life.

I signed up for a training…12 years later I still love what I do and feel so fortunate to have found this profession.”

Laura Yedwab, GCFP

“I began working with a Feldenkrais practitioner because I was repeatedly injuring myself playing racquetball. The sessions resolved the issue and greatly improved my performance on the court. But I didn’t understand how; the work seemed magical. I was particularly puzzled by how the practitioner seemed to know so much more about my body than I did. I became very intrigued. The training gave me a new way of understanding myself. More importantly, I realized that being a Feldenkrais practitioner would help me become more of who I wanted to be—more present, more caring, and more sensitive.

Being a practitioner means that every day I have the thrill of furthering my own understanding, becoming a better human being, and helping my clients do the same.”

"In order to change our mode of action, we must change the image of ourselves that we carry within us."
Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais

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