Welcome to the new Feldenkrais® Training Academy

The Feldenkrais Training Academy reinvents how Feldenkrais practitioners are trained.

This new training model combines the exploration, warmth, and sense of play that the Feldenkrais Method® is known for, with the curriculum, discipline, and support required to become a successful professional.

Get ready to dive deep and learn new skills that will change your life! The Feldenkrais training is a transformative process—you'll improve your own life, and learn how to help your own students do the same.


The Feldenkrais Training Academy reinvents how Feldenkrais practitioners are trained.

This new training model combines the exploration, warmth, and sense of play that the Feldenkrais Method® is known for, with the curriculum, discipline, and support required to become a successful professional.

Get ready to dive deep and learn new skills that will change your life! The Feldenkrais training is a transformative process—you'll improve your own life, and learn how to help your own students do the same.

This accredited training covers everything you’ll need to become a certified Feldenkrais practitioner with a thriving practice.

What you will learn

You’ll learn to be an exquisite teacher, highly skilled at leading Awareness through Movement® classes and one-one-one Functional Integration® lessons. Your studies will include:

  • Foundational Knowledge: You'll study and test the principles, strategies, and modalities that inform the Feldenkrais Method.
  • Self-Organization: Embodying and using the functional principles and processes in your own experience, you'll be a living example for your clients.
  • Assessment: You'll be able to determine what your clients want, need, and can use when you work with them.
  • Execution: You'll become proficient at creating and supporting the context and conditions that help your clients function, move, and act to fulfill their desired outcomes.

The primary motive of a Feldenkrais practitioner is to help people become self-reliant in a changing world. You won’t treat conditions or problems—you'll learn to help people recover their physical integrity, restore their emotional dignity, and thrive in the complexity of daily life.

What's included

Our new training model creates and supports a culture of learning, with a comprehensive suite of activities over three-and-a-half years.

  • In-Person Segments: You'll attend 122 days of training (live) divided into 12 segments, three to four months apart. A typical day will include Awareness Through Movement lessons, lectures, demonstrations, and Functional Integration practice.
  • Year-Round Learning: One of the tenets we hold most highly is that learning needs to continue throughout the year. You'll meet every other week with your mentoring group, have weekly assignments, and attend monthly online classes that pull everything together cohesively.
  • Mentoring Groups: You'll be part of a small mentoring group, led by an experienced mentor who'll support your learning and ensure that you are receiving the individual time and attention you need. Your group will meet during and between the live segments. You'll get to know the people in your group and support each other in many ways throughout the training.
  • Competency-based Learning Environment: Our goal is to help you become a self-regulating, reflective student as you learn the artistry of being a Feldenkrais practitioner. You'll assess your own progress in terms of your goals, reflect on your development, and document your intention to reach the next learning landmarks. Read more about why competency is key.
  • Experience and Supervision: You'll receive substantial clinical supervision, and teach and document a significant number of Awareness Through Movement and Functional Integration lessons. You’ll graduate confident that you have the experience and skills you need.
  • In-depth Study of the Amherst Training: Moshe Feldenkrais taught his final practitioner training in Amherst, MA. You'll study these training recordings, clarifying your understanding of Feldenkrais' approach to the work and experiencing his teaching firsthand.
  • Business Development: You want to earn a living as a Feldenkrais practitioner, or by using the work within your existing profession—we want to give you the skills and tools to make it possible. We'll help you learn to fill your ATM® classes and build your practice with people who need your help and will to pay for it. This training is unique in that these skills will be taught throughout the training.

Training Dates

Monday – Friday (Sat/Sun off)

9:00am – 4:00pm

October 15 – 26, 2018

January 21 – February 1, 2019

April 29 – May 10, 2019

August 5 – 16, 2019

November 11 – 22, 2019

February 17 – 28, 2020

October 26 – November 6, 2020

April 5 – 16, 2021

August 23 – September 3, 2021

January 10 – 21, 2022

April 4 – 15, 2022

September 12 – 23, 2022

Training Costs

Payment for the FTA will be paid in US dollars. The total tuition is $25,000.

Payments include:

  • $100 non-refundable registration fee, which is credited towards your total tuition.
  • $500 deposit to be paid within three weeks of acceptance. This deposit ensures your place in the training and is credited towards your tuition.

Installment payments are due ~30 days before each in-person segment.

Pricing Options for Trainees

  • Single Payment Plan: Registration + Deposit + $24,400 = $25,000
  • Installment Plan: Registration + Deposit + 12 Payments of $2,240 = $27,480

Pricing Options for Feldenkrais Practitioners

  • Entire Training (in-person and online segments), or Online Participation Only (for practitioners outside of North America):
    • 25% off for FGNA members:
      • Single Payment Plan: Registration + Deposit + $18,150 = $18,750
      • Installment Plan: Registration + Deposit + 12 payments of $1,670 = $20,640
    • 30% off if you graduated from an FPTP with Jeff Haller as Educational Director or the IOPS Academy:
      • Single Payment Plan: Registration + Deposit + $16,900 =  $17,500
      • Installment Plan: Registration + Deposit + 12 payments of $1,555 = $19,260
  • Daily or Weekly Visits: $150/day

"To make the impossible possible, the possible easy and the easy aesthetically pleasing."
Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais

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